Muddy was born on the wrong side of civillization, a construction site next to the busy Senkang bus interchange. Having come into contact with mankind from young, and with the innocence of a baby, he probably thought it was a good idea to mingle with the crowd and perhaps make a few more friends. He did not understand the urbanised people who looked upon him as though he was a pest, nor did he comprehend the ignorant who thought him a menace.
Indeed he was courting death for he knew not of the efficient people that will snuff out his life once the public makes a report of his so called ‘intrusion’ into their ordered and structured life.

As always, fate plays a hand in situations like this. At that time a volunteer was at the scene and she discreetly led him away. Seeing his friendly disposition, we decided to put him up for adoption, emphasising his friendly and affectionate nature. The barriers we have to overcome in finding an adoptor are overwhelming. Firstly, we have to find people that are not afraid of dogs and love them, secondly they have to be comfortable with the size of the dog. And lastly, we have to dispel the stigma that status and brand conscious, superficial people have of our local dogs. Difficult though it may be, as long as there is a pinhole size of light, we will try and after much publicising, Peahlyn got in touch with us and decided to adopt Muddy.

Muddy is now Cookie and leads a life we would envy. He is fed premium food, goes for regular walks and to the dog run as well and get lots of love from the whole family. He has another companion Sunday and they are buddies to the end. Cookie must thank his lucky stars for the chain of events that led him to this Etophia and we are sure Peahlyn and her family will enjoy much greater blessings for their unconditional love for these lovely canine companions!