Adam did not look like a typical dog when we found him at the Tuas Industrial Estate foraging for food in May of 2003, in fact he did not look like a dog at all. He was a young pup at about 6 months of age at that time, and due to severe demodex mange, a genetic skin condition, which enveloped almost 90 % of his body, the ravage by the mites had left his skin like a rough scab of black, and there was only sparse fur throughout his body. We can only imagine how itchy and painful it was for him to have to endure this condition without treatment.

Despite his ailment, Adam is generally a friendly and happy dog, contented with his space and food. Like all survivors, Adam endured the smarting and painful process of recovery from the treatment without complaint.
Now almost a year later, with all the love and care showered upon him, Adam’s condition has improved a lot. He now has pink healthy skin over 70% of his body and has a soft lustrous coat and he doesn’t scratch as much now. The dreaded tatic wash is now replaced with a milder medicated shampoo and an anti-inflammatory spray to maintain his condition.

He has come into his own as a young adult with a personality of a survivor. Friendly but wary of strangers, he takes his time to assess the humans to see who he can trust, even his canine friends. He has his best pal, Chubby, beside him always !

Adam is currently on a hypo-allegenic diet to curb the flare up of his condition and is on Omega 3,6,9 supplements.