{{ adopt.name }}

Male Female
{{ adopt.age }} ({{ adopt.birthday | formatDate}})
{{ adopt.hdb == 0 ? "Not" : ""}} HDB Approved

History: {{ adopt.history }}

Are you interested in adopting {{ adopt.name }}? Click this to add {{ adopt.gender == 'M' ? "him" : "her"}} to your Likes. {{ adopt.name }} is in your Likes. Click this to remove {{ adopt.gender == 'M' ? "him" : "her"}}

When you are ready, please go to your Likes to fill in the adoption form.

You can sponsor {{ adopt.name }} by making a one-time donation using cheque, bank transfer, PayNow, Paypal or set up a GIRO for monthly payments.

Please download and fill in the sponsorship form and mail the form to:
48 Thomson Terrace
Singapore 574579