Gone to Loving Homes - Shawnie

Posted On: 21 Aug 2019

Shawnie’s life as a homeless canine depicts the situation in which countless others like herself face everyday. Born in the urban jungle of Singapore, and gradually drawn to the cold comfort of the industrial estates by others like her, she had to eke out an existence on leftovers, her instincts honed for survival the cold unfeeling environment. 

Always on the move to avoid the cruelty of man, scavenging for scraps to have the energy to stay alert and sharp, it was an existence from day to day. In spite of her hard life, she took very good care of her young and Jules, one of her offspring was one of the lucky ones that found a good home. To add to her hardship, she contracted a life threatening tumour; Life never gave her a break till now… 

Thanks to a fellow volunteer, she was singled out for treatment, and with the support of kind folks, enough was raised to fund her operation. Having recuperated well and eating healthily was all we dared hope for, but when CJ and Jo came along and wanted to adopt her, we were besides ourselves with joy. 

Today, Shawnie looks healthy and is slowly opening up to the love so patiently showered upon by CJ and Jo, She gets fresh chicken for her meals and goes for nice long walks twice a day. It will take some more time and love on CJ and Jo’s part before Shawnie can finally discard her mistrust of humans after those years of abuse and cruelty, but they have no regrets and are willing to regardless of the returns they may get. 

That there are kind hearts like CJ and Jo who could love Shawnie for who she is, unconditionally and without expecting anything in return, has given us strength to continue our work and the belief that we can and have, made a difference, one canine at a time.