Gone to Loving Homes - Puffy

Posted On: 20 Aug 2019

The phrase ‘It’s a Dog’s Life’ has significance difference to a dog depending on which side of life they are born on. Born on the streets and they become struggling strays, the chances of having a life let alone a decent one less than 10%. Such are the grim statistics facing the thousands of dogs out there. 

If dogs have a religion, they’d probably have us humans as Gods, after all the concept of God is that of a higher power where he has the power over lives, and that is something which each of us, no matter what our status, strength or size have, the power to help these animals, if only we would.

And so the game of life came to Puffy, who had wandered into a Sengkang void deck, innocently oblivious to this dangerous move. Like a pawn in a chess game of life, Puffy was the weakest piece pushed around by the human gods that play this game every day, whether she gets to be sacrificed or whether she would advance to the end to be queened. 

The endgame is fuzzy but so far it has been canine heaven when the Ho family came to Puffy like a godsend, wonderful people who adopted her and nurtured her into the beautiful, canine companion that she has become. Nature walks and good food and lots of affection bonds Puffy to the Ho family and vice versa. She is always ready to protect her home and is fiercely loyal to her family. Puffy is happy with her lot in life now and to snuggle in the warm aura of quiet contentment with her family. 

Our respect and gratitude to the Ho family for their love and affection for Puffy, without whom she would have been sacrificed to satisfy society’s souless mandates