Gone to Loving Homes - Patsy

Posted On: 21 Aug 2019

Patsy’s life came to a crossroad when he was about 6 years old. His family decided not to take him with them when they migrated. Imagine his bewilderment and confusion, being abandoned but the only people he loved and trusted, not understanding what he had done wrong. 

Fortunately, there was a young layd who decided to take him in. Though she loved him dearly, her traveling job took her out of the country for long periods of time and her own family was reluctant to look after him. Patsy was confined to a small room most of the time and hardly anyone paid any attention to him. 

When we were asked to help Patsy find a home, we knew it was another monumental task. At 7 years old, he was past his prime, Many called up when they heard there is a pedigree dog to be adopted, but most turned away when they heard of his age and his skin condition. But Christina and Terence surprised us by expressing keen interest even when we emphasized his age and medical condition. They were charmed by his bubbly character and his affectionate nature. 

They decided to foster him first before making the commitment. But more obstacles lay ahead. Initial prognosis indicated a server skin condition which required ongoing costly medication. To add to that, Patsy was found to have blocked eye ducts, an ear infection, and a tumour. Practically, it was going to be a heavy burden… 

Meanwhile Patsy was cherishing his not-so-certain second chance at life. He gave of his love and affection whole heartedly and he appreciated the love filled environment that is the cornerstone of Christina and Terence’s home. They too, were gradually getting very attached to Patsy and his loveable character. 

In our hearts, we knew Christina and Terence would be the perfect family for Patsy but that decision would have to come from their hearts. With the heavy financial burden, it was understandable that there would be some concerns. IT had been an agonizing month or so, where the fate of Patsy remained uncertain, but Christina and Terence were finally won over by Patsy’s love. His previous owner was also very magnanimous, assisting them with Patsy’s medical costs. 

Christina and Terence have renamed him Darwin after his tow bald patches on his behind. His enthusiasm and zest for life certainly belies his age and his healthy demeanor is testimony of their love and care for him. Amazingly, his skin condition has improved to such an extent that the medication was reduced to once a week. His eye duct operation also proceeded smoothly while his tumour was found to be non malignant. 

They say a cat has nine lives, but dogs like Darwin need only a second chance at life to live their lives as wholeheartedly as they can and to cherish each day as much as possible. It is a lesson of life we humans can learn from and the example of Christina and Terence is another we should live by…