Gone to Loving Homes - Juliet

Posted On: 21 Aug 2019

Juliet’s first sniff of the world was the smell of plastic emanating from the warehouse where she was born. There was no warmth of a home, only the cold harsh metal of the trailer tat served as a shelter and a refuge. 

Juliet was a timid and shy girl and never ventured out from the trailer’s confines. She would only come out when she needed food and no one was around. Word came around that people were poisoning the dogs in that area to get rid of them. 

It was then that our volunteer was determined that Juliet should not suffer such a fate from the cruelty of man. Through sheer persistence, she was finally coaxed from her hiding place and fostered. In time, she slowly learnt about socializing with humans and the reciprocation of love. 

We were really happy when a family called us about adopting Juliet as she reminded them of a dog they once had. It was a perfect match as they wanted a gentle and sensible character and had a garden for a dog her size to romp in. 

Mummy Bianca has renamed her Jules and her meticulous attention to Jules’s nutrition has seen her blossom into a beautiful girl with a coat worthy of a show dog. She has plenty of toys and enjoys a game of treasure hunt where she buries them and recovers them later. 

Jules appreciates her second chance at life and cherishes the love and affection she receives. She is quick to learn and never gives any trouble. 

We can’t thank the Matthews family enough for their unconditional love and acceptance of our little canine friend, and we are sure the bond between Jules and her new family will continue to flourish beautifully.