Gone to Loving Homes - Gabrielle

Posted On: 21 Aug 2019

Gabrielle was found abandoned at a void deck, confused and scared, not understanding why she was discarded like aused toy. THe people she tried to approach for help all turned her away like she was a disease. 

Fortunately, she was spotted by a young couple who, fearing for her safety, brought her home. This was the beginning of a long and difficult journey to Gabrielle’s place of solace. The young couple’s mom had a fear of dogs and though they tried, it was inevitable that Gabrielle had to go. 

When we were contacted to find her a good home, there were many offers of adoption. We found a family that promised her the world but never lived up to it. On our home visit we found her caged up, malnutritioned and suffering from a skin rash. Gabrielle never once looked back when we took her back. 

She was fostered for another month before we found her a home with a middle aged couple who had taken care of dogs all their lives. Today, she has the company of Boy Boy, a cross Shih Tzu and homemaker Mummy during the day, and waits for Daddy to play with her during the evenings. On sunny days she basks out on the patio, else she’s lounging on her favourite pink sofa in the house. 

She’s learnt to let Mummy know when she’s hungry, by sitting and looking up with those brigh lively eyes, and she walks Mummy by bringing her own leash to the door! Her intelligence and affectionate nature has brough much sunshine to her family and everyone loves her. 

After all the trials and tribulations she had to overcome, Gabrielle has finally come home…